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Creating a cellar

You can create a new cellar by one of two ways. Either by clicking the "Add cellar" link in the toolbar, or in the Wine Wizard, once you have found the wine you want to add, you will be given the option to add it to an existing cellar or create a new one.

You can edit personal details, and amend cellar details that you have created yourself within preferences. Cellars that are automatically updated by 67 Pall Mall from professional storage locations or that are managed by a wine merchant cannot be edited directly. Please contact us in this case with a request to edit a cellar name.

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The free plan allows you to have 2 cellars. Premium members will be able to add multiple cellars.

Adding wines

There are three methods of adding wine to your cellar:

  • Use our Add wine Wizard. (Use the add wine link from the manage menu)
  • Buy wine on the Wine Owners exchange
  • Contact us to send your wine list in electronic format ( Excel or MAC Numbers file) and we do the hard work. (subject to relevant subscription package)

Depending on the professional storage facility you use, 67 Pall Mall can create an automatic update feed to you your collection, such that when you buy or sell wines from that facility, this will automatically be reflected in your 67 Pall Mall portfolio.

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Although we have over 5,000 top wine names in our database (75,000 including available vintages), you may well own wines that are not yet in our database. In this case, you can add wines yourself, checking the box to indicate to us that we don?t yet have it in our database.

That is when you choose our filter option that enables you to select by several different parameters such as vintage, region, colour, wine type, price range, score range.

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Although we will not automatically collect price history on new wines added that are not in our referential database, a current value will be appended within 7 days, and it will valued as part of your portfolio from that moment.

Bulk upload is not yet available. However, we will happily upload your wine list for you. Request a csv file or an spreadsheet from your storage company and email it to our team.

Portfolio analysis

Portfolio is a consolidated, summary view of all your cellars and their key breakdowns. If you have only one cellar it comprises a breakdown of all the wines in that cellar by key parameters.

When you are in your portfolio, you click the Graph Icon in the far right column of the grid, to bring up the historical price graph of that wine. From here you can add other wines or indices to compare performance.

Wine passport

The Wine Passport ™ is a virtual set of documents to allow you to prove the provenance and condition of your wine. Provenance increasingly justifies the best prices for the best stock, or facilitates the quickest trade.

You can request inspection photographs from your professional storage company.

Inspection photos are mandatory with every offer > £1,000.

From within the individual wine record, click the Wine Passport ™ tab. Scroll down to the section titled Inspection Photos and click the icon in the top right corner of this box. This will bring up a pop-up window allowing you to locate the photographs on your computer and upload them to your Wine Passport ™.

From within the individual wine record, click the Wine Passport ™ tab. Scroll down to the section entitled Provenance Documentation and click the icon in the top right corner of this box. This will bring up a pop-up window allowing you to locate the documents on your computer and upload them to your Wine Passport ™.
