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Buy fine wine that is not for sale on the exchange

Buy fine wine: New bid

If there is a wine you would like to buy and there is not an exact match for sale in the fine wine exchange, you can create a NEW BID. This is an invitation to owners of this wine to sell it to you at the price you specify. You must specify an expiry date when creating an open bid.

Open bid

Once created, it is called an open bid. You can create, amend and remove a bid for any wine listed in our referential database of fine wine.

If an owner agrees to sell their wine to you at your defined price, you will have the opportunity to review this offer and accept or reject it based on the description of the wine for sale.

Matched bid

Once there is a matched offer of wine to your open bid then you must either accept or reject the offer to match. If you reject the offer to match you can thereafter amend or remove your open bid.

Accepting a match (1m 37s)

When you choose to accept an offer that matches your Open Bid, you have the option to request a pre-settlement inspection report, in order to verify that the condition of the wine is as described on the exchange.

Post trade inspection

To undertake a post-trade, pre-settlement inspection report you must first pay. Inspection takes place after you have paid but before the payment is transferred to the seller. During this period of up to 7 working days payment is held in a suspense account (a form of escrow) by us.

Go to the Fine Wine Exchange.
